Saturday, June 1, 2013

Pug Nature By Ellyssa Pearce

We all sit in the park together music blaring
Louder in my ears but I tune it out
The itch is incredible! It takes over the senses
She is so nice letting me roam
Smiles on everyone’s faces, just ropes them in.
Lucky for me there are patches of them everywhere
Bored with the constant shouting on the stage
I just have to give them my big goofy smile
Leap into their lap and let them at me!
It’s a win-win situation, they smile
I am relieved from the hind quarters.
Some call me ugly but those are the ones
That have never let me lick them and
Rump around and snooze on their feet.

They shouldn't judge something so cute!


by Kenneth Rexroth
I don't mind the human race.
I've got pretty used to them
In these past twenty-five years.
I don't mind if they sit next
To me on streetcars, or eat
In the same restaurants, if
It's not at the same table.
However, I don't approve
Of a woman I respect
Dancing with one of them. I've
Tried asking them to my home
Without success. I shouldn't
Care to see my own sister
Marry one. Even if she
Loved him, think of the children.
Their art is interesting,
But certainly barbarous.
I'm sure, if given a chance,
They'd kill us all in our beds.
And you must admit, they smell.

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