Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Strength of the Hare
By: JoJo Ball

Doing pull ups in my door frame is
my perfect way of giving my brain a rest.
Whenever I’m feeling stressed my pull up
bar is there to ease the strain of study.
It makes me reminisce about the bright,
sunny days at the park where my dad,
my sister and I would play catch
and see who could do the most pull ups
before we started our venture back home.
I’ll never forget the day my sister
beat me in our traditional pull up
contest. I’ve never been so embarrassed.
How could a little girl do more pull ups
than me, her older brother? That was
also the day my uncle jokingly
referred to her as his favorite nephew.
I wanted to hate her but I couldn’t.
It motivated me more than the hare
motivates dogs to run around a track.
She was my hare and my track was that bar.
I still think about that unfortunate
day every time I go to the gym.
My competitive nature won’t ever
let me forget the time my little sister
was stronger than me. Even though today
I do twice as many pull ups as her,
now my hare is me and my track is infinite.

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