Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Screaming whispers by Amber Rose

I don't love you as if you were a rose of salt, topaz
I love you as if you were a cave upon a mountain
Through the years our tears have dried, crusted
We drown out each others voice when we desire
We listen to the oceans core when we want
All in all we come back to another like polar magnets
Forced together no matter what obstacle lie in our way
You've been the very best friend, a sister by choice
No distance placed between us matters
We will always find our way back
No fight, no boy no misunderstanding can tear us apart
Just as the sun will rise each morning
Our friendship will grow like the blackberries along the river
Out of control, wild and carefree
Memories tucked in a keepsake
Laughs that echo forever
A bond, unbreakable
Sisters through the good times and bad
And all the intricate years between

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