Thursday, June 6, 2013

Sweet nothings
By: JoJo Ball

Have you heard them? Does anyone know what they are?
Shallow sayings of love and infatuation.
They mean nothing unless they are interpreted
with the meaning they were intended to have.
They are coded messages left in public.
Most people see it and dismiss it.
They think literally and only see odd words,
then one person stops to see the scribbles
and they think it has some purpose,
that the scribbles were left there for a reason.
This one person can’t possibly understand
but they pretend to nevertheless.
This person is the kind editor that
sees meaning when there is none there at all.
They are the friend that thinks you are perfect.
They imply your personality to
each of the coded lines even when they’re not meant to.
Even though it’s not written they know,
They know how you feel even when you don’t.

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