Thursday, June 6, 2013

Bread in the Oven by Abhishek Raol

Anagram Poem
Abhishek Raol
Writing  241 Assignment

Bread in the oven

The clock chimes eight times, French bread in oven
The smell fills the room and seeps in others
Like the smell of ganja lingering about
Oppressed in the open yet prominent
The saliva in my mouth now alive

But I must get this smell out of my mind
Society preventing to steal
That loaf of tender bread from the oven
Like post war paranoia I want to
The pulses of pots and pans sound like guns

However I’m scared I won’t contain
My hunger, simply cant wait to devour
Afraid to go hungry to my graveyard
The aroma like music, trapped in flow
Foods mischievous trick to make men so plump

Others descent down, distracted by smell
 As the others wander to the kitchen
I have a minute to make my escape
I’m going crazy, I must get away
The sound-system will keep them tuned to it

When the noise reaches its peak I will sneak
Out of the house, sly like a little mouse
Running through a pipe, trying to be free
Like I kite let lose into the crisp night
I finally cross the floors to the door

And run wildly into the summer air
Away from the fumes of food and cooking
I run on my street, my feet grow darker
With the night, barefooted I just take flight
Enjoy, the crisp, cool, calm, collected air

Until my mom’s voice echoes through my hood
Finally time for my delicious meal

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