Monday, June 3, 2013

Bodacious By Rachael Jones 4-1

A sharp inhale,

Creak in the gate,

The man with the flag,

Two gracious fighters,

Future PRB champion

And Bodacious,

All waiting to enter the arena.


The back pens rattle

With rage as bulls

Snarl and ram their way

Through the chutes.


Bodacious, whips sharp left

Takes the first plunge,

Fighters make their move,

Jumping to his shoulder,

Defending the future champion;


As the bull spins,

around around around

Time slowly ticks by,

Much longer than eight seconds.

The sun having time to shift

Highlighting the rider

With the rays of light.

Throwing the rider,

Fearing the snap,

The crack of the whip

As bones shatter.

Cowboys bringing

The new meaning of Tuff.

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