Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Seasons. By Erika Beaver

The Seasons. By Erika Beaver

I look to my left and see a girl
Not just any girl, but one that
Reminds me of winter. Her
Emotions are cold, like ice.
And she is sitting on the stairs
With her legs tucked in to her
Chest, as if she’s cold. But, I
Don’t think she’s cold. I think
She is upset, like winter often
Can be. She looks to the ground,
Head shaking like your body
Does when its cold outside.
I’m beginning to feel a little
Chilly myself, so I look in front
Of me and see a man. Not just
An ordinary man. But one that
Reminds me of spring. He is happy
And appears to be full of energy
And his shirt is the color of pink.
He’s got two dogs, those are his
Precious flowers, full of life like
Flowers are in the spring time.
He’s gone now, like spring
Comes and goes, but there is always
Another season, something new
Something exciting. So I look
To my right and see a pack
Of zombies. What a silly thing
To dress up as. This reminds me
Of playing games, games like
Soccer, and Frisbee. Those are
Games you play in the summer.
Summer is warm and welcoming.
People are in good moods in the
Summer, unlike those zombies
Over there, they belong in a much
Gloomier season, such as fall.
Fall is where Halloween lives.
Where the ghosts and goblins reside.
Where people on Halloween night
Sneak up behind you and scare you,
Which is why I turn around and
I see nothing. Nothing at all.
Like all those seasons we just
Went through, mean nothing.
Like they didn’t even happen.
They just come and go, and
They are seen, and then forgotten.
Seasons are ever changing, just
Like everything else in the world.

Nothing stays the same. 

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