Monday, June 3, 2013

Perspetive by Rachael Jones 5-2

White walls.

Bleached and sanitary.

Suck the emotion from the room.

Leaving the absence of creativity.

Mind wandering, and endless to infinity.

You walk in the desert

Lost and alone, trying to find home.

Your mind playing tricks on you

Making numerous mirages.

As the magician pulls the quarter

From behind your ear.

Amazed at the slide of the hand

Creating a false reality.

Insanity from the mystery.

An empty padded room

Of the insane asylum.


White walls

With everything in place.

OCD set in.

Neat. Tight. Organized.

T’s crossed and I’s dotted.

Clean and tidy.

Ready for the mind to expand.

Colors blossoming like

The wildflower farm

Daisies and tulips demonstrating

The color spectrum.

Yellow to violet, green to pink.

Creativity to the max.

Possibility endless to infinity.

The painters have to start

Their project.

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