Wednesday, June 5, 2013

When I am asked (imitation)

When I am asked 
By Abhishek Raol

When I am asked
How I began writing poems,
I talk about the indifference of education

It was after my first term of college
Needing certain credits
Here and there

I sat at staring at my screen
A long list of courses before me
Overwhelmed with the choices
Not wanting to ever wake up early
Racing hundreds of other students
With the same worries and concerns
I look for my writing class
Introduction to Poetry

When I Am Asked

When I am asked                     
how I began writing poems,  
I talk about the indifference of nature.  

It was soon after my mother died,                  
a brilliant June day,  
everything blooming.  

I sat on a gray stone bench  
in a lovingly planted garden,  
but the day lilies were as deaf  
as the ears of drunken sleepers  
and the roses curved inward.  
Nothing was black or broken  
and not a leaf fell  
and the sun blared endless commercials  
for summer holidays.  

I sat on a gray stone bench  
ringed with the ingenue faces  
of pink and white impatiens  
and placed my grief  
in the mouth of language,  
the only thing that would grieve with me

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