Monday, June 3, 2013

Come Back to Me by Rachael Jones 5-1

Come Back To Me- Rachael Jones

The child’s favorite teddy bear

Lost within the move,

Teddy within the wrong pile of toys

Sign says “All must go”

And all went before the move.

Teddy, come back to me.


Restless nights

With uneasy naps.

Sorrowful eyes, no water

Left to drip and form tears.

Bags so heavy and deep

Time has stained them maroon.

Teddy, come back to me.


No toy could replace

The original bear.

For teddy was more than bear.

A timeout companion,

More patient than the clock tower.

Sleeping protector,

Stronger than the noblest knight.

Secret keeper,

That no key could unlock.

Teddy, come back to me.


Nights pass with no return,

Secrets lost never to be unlocked,

Not a bear to ever replace

What didn’t belong in the sale.

A trip to the thrift shop

Unsuspectingly finding a treasure

Not worth a dime.

Teddy, came back to me.

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