Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Family Farm (imitation of the Aunts)

The Family Farm (imitation of the Aunts)
By Abhishek Raol
I like it when we all get together
And talk in voices that are respectful
Like wild apple trees in a farm we grow
Under the influence of tradition
Yet each tree a different individual

Protected by the farm away from harm
Together we sprout to produce the best
And on these occasions, we bring our fruit
We share our apples, our stories and tales
Listen to the elders and their wisdom

They shape our morals, what’s right from what’s wrong
“Every apple tree has some rotten fruit”
Grandpa tree always says “But some of our
Apples are meant to fall first on the ground
They plant our seeds and enrich the soil well”

Every tree in our farm is so different
Some thin, thick, short, tall, wide, leafy or not
Every single apple that comes from us
Has a different taste and shape and texture
Each one as good as the next and better

Than the last, we take pride in quality
Every tree nurtured so well and with care
Our parents made sure we grew straight and tall
Teaching to reach our branches to the sky
And during the winter, we shed our leaves

Through the hard times we still stand strong and tall
Sharing great legends of trees of our past,
Horror stories of logging companies
Anything to entertain and inspire
To up hold our great tradition on this
Family Farm.

The Aunts
I like it when they get together
and talk in voices that sound
like apple trees and grape vines,

and some of them wear hats
and go to Arizona in the winter,
and they all like to play cards.

They will always be the ones
who say “It is time to go now,”
even as we linger at the door,

or stand by the waiting cars, they
remember someone—an uncle we
never knew—and sigh, all

of them together, like wind
in the oak trees behind the farm
where they grew up—a place

I remember—especially
the hen house and the soft
clucking that filled the sunlit yard.

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