Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A Rich Man

A Rich Man
By Natalie Frenette

I can’t believe we did this
She looks stunning.
That dress must have cost a fortune
It’s ok, she’s worth it.
She hates it when I say things that, 
I have to stop thinking about money so much.
She looks as beautiful as I remember
On our wedding day; Stunning.

Why would I need anything else?
Everything I ever wanted is in front of me.
She’s my world.
How extremely lucky am I?
I couldn’t have planned this moment
If I tried to, the best
Memories are the ones that are spontaneous

If today has taught me one thing it’s to live
Stop planning, stop worrying, stop complaining.
Enjoy the moments you have been given
This radiant woman is all I need.
I may not be a rich man, but I am a rich man.

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