Monday, June 3, 2013

Typical pointless teenage Angst By Sanjana Mahesh

Typical pointless teenage Angst
A young girl screamed to the sky, “Why Am I
not skinny, not pretty enough at school?”
She heard no replies and walked back inside
Dreaming of fitting in and having friends
Little did she know that there was more to the world
than fitting into size ten Hollister jeans
middle school is hardly anybody’s
favorite time of their life, just a struggle
God decided to show her what’s up though
She became allergic to gluten and
Lactose. Practically everything has those
two ingredients, suddenly she lost
a lot of weight and gained her confidence
It was nice for a while but the she found
She preferred chocolate and ice-cream to
anything she could wear or fit into
Unfortunately, it’s a life sentence
You can’t return lactose intolerance
In exchange for a tasty fudgesicle
The dark luscious dipped, sweet surrendering
slice of heaven on the tip of your tongue
the whole milk mixed with perfect chocolate
thickening taste all the way down your throat
Nothing compares to the satisfaction
Of being able to buy another cone
And another and one more fudgesicle
The whole world is changing because of this
Stupid dumb lactose intolerance thing
gluten allergy I have been gifted
so thanks for that, except I don’t want it
Posted: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 00:00:00 -0600
A man said to the universe:
“Sir, I exist!"
“However,” replied the universe,
“The fact has not created in me
“A sense of obligation.”

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