Monday, June 3, 2013

Fork imitation By Sanjana Mahesh


combination, union, marriage of useful
two entities grasped love at first grasp
leafy greens weren’t a hassle
laziness victorious, so unneeded to rise
to switch utensils, many resemblances
to each their own viewpoint
an interpretation of adam and eve
bound till death do them part
eternal fusion,
in heaven or hell,
through it all,
metal intertwined
but what is a spork to you

This strange thing must have crept   
Right out of hell.
It resembles a bird’s foot
Worn around the cannibal’s neck.

As you hold it in your hand,
As you stab with it into a piece of meat,
It is possible to imagine the rest of the bird:   
Its head which like your fist
Is large, bald, beakless, and blind.

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