Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I Love Real Dogs by Abhishek Raol

I love Real Dogs by Abhishek Raol
Dogs playing poker, that is so stupid
Last time I checked dogs cannot play poker
In fact they have paws that can barely hold
Or fold, or draw, blind, check, deal, or steal
Yet some attention whore of an artists

Who knew some poodle, adoring, pansies
Would “Aw” and sob over the cuteness that
Isn’t even there, it’s just fake dogs with trimmed hair
And Drinking their drinks and smoking their smoke
Even though a dog old enough to drink

Would be a silent dog left with his bones
Now you dumb dog lovers will gasp and grunt
At that, Claiming that I’m insensitive
But if you sir are oblivious enough
To let your lab with liquor, loot and leaf

Then you are the lad who lacks any sense
Then again this portrait doesn’t make sense
The two pugs cheating under the table
Well Pugs are ugly so that makes sense, But
In the center, the dog under the light

Looking at his gaze, I cannot tell if
He’s a cheat, honest fella, or just blazed
The darkest dog of them all seems content
With his pipe and glass, so I’ll let him pass
As a loyal lab, but the one far left

That’s a dog I know damn well I can trust
Legs crossed, leaning back, ears down and relaxed
His old face, soft colors and furry arms
That one looks like a real dog, loyal one
Man’s best friends kind of dog, A dog I want

I would name him wise bear

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