Monday, April 29, 2013

The Women in Pink

I thought a walk would be a good idea,
But now she’s red from the sun and I’m
Sweating all over, how unattractive.
Not far now. This walk was amusing non-
The less. Who knew that monkeys and trumpet
players would be out today. The rowing
Team looks to be in good shape but it’s a
Shame they have to work in this heat. I recall
My days on the team, no one could compare
To our technique and ambition. Yes they
Would never stand a chance against us then,
“No you can’t play with the dog we are leaving,
Aren’t you hot?” that man is out of place, he
Shouldn’t be there. That dog must be his too,
It has the same quality look about him.
He used to do the same thing, lounge and just
Stare out into space, not a care in the world.
“No you can’t have a monkey that’s unclean”
That man is crazy to be dressed in all
His pieces, at least he has sense to sit
In the shade. Her embroidery looks nice
Probably nothing compared to mine however.
“No you can’t bring flowers home today ”
That women looks quite unhappy, her husband
Is probably being a bother, or
She is just always pompous looking . Her
Dress is very expensive looking she
Must be a snob, especially with her
Showing off that monkey and little dog.
“Don’t point and stare darling its rude to judge” 

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