Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Hope by Ivy Jones


A man said to the universe “I’m here.”
“Can you not see me? Can you not hear me?”
“I have been her since the beginning” he
Continued to yell up at the heavens.
“Why are you punishing me with the plague?”
“I am innocent. A by standard with
No help, no love, no support in my life.”

“I’m here. Can you not see me or hear me?”
Clouds began to shift and shape to cover
The small shimmer of light that shown on
The dead ground, once alive and green but now
Is barren as a wanting mother. Hope.
“My family is dead. My wife and kids
Taken too soon from this world good time.”

“I’m here. Can you not see me or hear me?”
The man continued to yell in hopes of
A response from the Gods. Yet nothing came.
He laid on his knees like a beggar starved.
The expression on his face said it all.
Darkness had consumed him soul, body, and
Mind. The shell of a man was left behind.

“I’m here. Can you not see me or hear me?”
Finally after so much time had passed
The universe answered his questions now.
“We can see you and hear you all the time
But we cannot answer your prayers. It was
For told that the world would suffer for sins.
We are sorry you were caught in the wind.”

“I am here. You can see me and hear me.”
Life had come back to the shell of a man.
Poem of the Day: 

A Man Said to the Universe

A man said to the universe:
“Sir, I exist!"
“However,” replied the universe,
“The fact has not created in me
“A sense of obligation.”

1 comment:

  1. I really like the shell of a man phrase it is captivating! great poem Ivy! Heidi
