Monday, April 29, 2013

Dancing Girl by Lauren Kahle

I wish my mommy would get up and dance
With me, but she’s just lying in the sun
But where’s the fun in that? I want to spin
Around in the warmth while my dress twirls too
Because everybody is watching me
I am a ballerina on a stage
I should do a pirouette, step, spin, spot!
I love Sundays after morning church time
Church is boring but playing isn’t!
What a cute puppy, I want to pet it
Is mommy watching? His tail is wagging!
I think he likes me, and I like him too
Why is that woman wearing such a weird
Skirt and why does she have such a weird looking
Bum? “I want her monkey can we have it?”
Another little girl! I want to play
Does she want to play too? Her mom looks mean
Where are all the other children? Why aren’t
They here after their Sunday church morning?
I’m hungry, but I don’t want to stop to eat
I want to play all day long! It’s Sunday
And I get to play every Sunday
I wish I had a friend to be with me
I think that I am starting to get tired
Mommy wants to go home for dinner time
I think that it is a good idea

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