Tuesday, April 30, 2013

La Grande Jatte on a 'Saturday' By Alyssa Abell

 Long hair swings in the salty summer air,
Blonde, it glitters and glows in golden waves.
Sparkling, crisp blue of the Seine is her
favorite, wrapped by humid saline breeze,
The sky, infinite and flawless bright blue.
La Grande Jatte is her perfect Saturday,
with mama, and big sister Angelique.
A picnic of brie and grapes and French bread.
They would drink wine while she drank juice or milk.
After lunch time was the hardest for her,
nearly swimming time but, oh, the long wait.
You must be patient, mama said, dear child.
But mama it is so very hot now,
Red dress clinging with sweat and annoyance.
You must wait, Madeliene, or you will drown.
The half hour felt like days or weeks.
Then the words she hoped for came like angels,
It is time to go swimming, Madeliene.
She hopped about, she danced with pure joy,
the man’s trumpet, loud, matched her excitement
 Come mama, come Angelique she squealed.
Ripping off her bests to proudly show off
Her new, blue suit from the shops in Paris.
Bought with the money Papa had sent her.
She runs, splashing into the crisp water’s
 Relief, burying her head beneath the
 shallow waves that lapped at Mama’s hot legs,
Madeliene blew bubbles, laughing with
Angelique, they sat burying their toes.
This was Madeliene’s perfect Saturday.

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