Monday, April 29, 2013

Eternal Youth (Dancer Painting) by Ivy Jones

Eternal Youth

I cannot feel my arms or legs or arms.
My toes are about to fall off right here.
My cheeks are burning from the sting of the
Wind, dividing my face with every gust.

How long have we been dancing for on the
Beach? I am tired… I want to go home.
I know that he is not enjoying this
As much as he is acting like he does.
No one likes dancing this much and for this
Long. No one! My brain hurts just from thinking.

How can he put on this great of a show?
With no audience besides Helga and
Bernard. They do not want to continue
Holding those umbrellas and trying to
Not blow away from the agonizing
Cold gusts that come at ten second time frames.

Pour Helga. She has been with me since I
Was a baby. I am pretty sure she
Nursed me. God knows my mother is too proud
 To have her breasts sag or change shape from the
Perfect shape they are now. She would rather
Die than have anything change the body
She works so hard to not change year to year.

“Youth is beauty” she told me once at night
When she was walking out the door with a
Different man than the night before. Never
Have I seen these men in day light. Only
Night when my mother needs another drink.

Have I changed in these 20 years? Helga
Would say “No.” She loves me so sincerely. 

1 comment:

  1. I like how the poem changes from the painting to about how vain her mother was, and how that shaped her today.
    --Kayla Hall
