Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Smoke Signals by Ayla Rogers

Smoke Signals by Ayla Rogers

There was a time I so longed to share this
Feeling resonating deep in these bones,
Like a reverb from my epicenter,
My origin echoing through some viscous
Medium, soft enough to permeate,

But too firm to yield to gentle pressure
Points, and paradigm shifts with sticky keys
To locks of hair you loved twirling, tangling
Up my fingers like rings, and crimson
Ties that bind my hands to your tasseled head.

Something senseless, like nibbling my ear,
And how I still feel it, and how I hear
Hasty breath like imagined melodies
From a brook that babbles human lyrics;

At least rolling ripples of empathy
Across a frictionless plain, cold as ice,
Sea, all tundra-bound to form a sinkhole
Where I can practice the art of drowning.

Breaking, eating ice and throwing up fire
That reminds me of the way roses look
In your eyes, when burning bleaches them
Stark white, like the moonlight we bask beneath,
Whether or not she fits into our plans.

We live the sharpest lives on a blade’s edge,
Bending backs, you live to make my squirm,
Knowing I’d surrender it all for one
Kiss me anywhere you like, but leave me
Something to hold to, someone worth holding.

Leave me anything but disenchanted.

Kiss me anything but the last goodbye.

There are some words my lips refuse to move
For, and two lips my words could never touch.

You can’t even loose your lips to swallow
My sweetest sentiments, or the savor
Of my skin caught in your teeth, sunflower
Seeds that tried to sprout where land was fallow.

Now the good left undone means nothing more
Than pulling out the roots to curl under,
Curl up, and burrow down deep in a whole
Mess of you own invention, still drilling
Holes in your head, like petrol might surface—

Full of overturned fishes, and x’d eyes
Still mark the same old spots, without treasure,
Where some will only bury their trinkets,
Like happy hour glasses and jewel’ry

Every now and then I find a seashell,
A shale, a nesting ground—some sign of life—
The subtly sensuous sentience
Of sequence and substance so meaningful,
I can’t quit leaving signals in the sand.


Poem of the Day: For Love
by Robert Creeley
Yesterday I wanted to
speak of it, that sense above
the others to me
important because all

that I know derives
from what it teaches me.
Today, what is it that
is finally so helpless,

different, despairs of its own
statement, wants to
turn away, endlessly
to turn away.

If the moon did not ...
no, if you did not
I wouldn’t either, but
what would I not

do, what prevention, what
thing so quickly stopped.
That is love yesterday
or tomorrow, not

now. Can I eat
what you give me. I
have not earned it. Must
I think of everything

as earned. Now love also
becomes a reward so
remote from me I have
only made it with my mind.

Here is tedium,
despair, a painful
sense of isolation and
whimsical if pompous

self-regard. But that image
is only of the mind’s
vague structure, vague to me
because it is my own.

Love, what do I think
to say. I cannot say it.
What have you become to ask,
what have I made you into,

companion, good company,
crossed legs with skirt, or
soft body under
the bones of the bed.

Nothing says anything
but that which it wishes
would come true, fears
what else might happen in

some other place, some
other time not this one.
A voice in my place, an
echo of that only in yours.

Let me stumble into
not the confession but
the obsession I begin with
now. For you

also (also)
some time beyond place, or
place beyond time, no
mind left to

say anything at all,
that face gone, now.
Into the company of love
it all returns.

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