Thursday, April 25, 2013

Looking Up by Dan-Vy Nguyen

Looking Up by Dan-Vy Nguyen

Over the hill I see bobbling heads of students,
Walking through on this rare gorgeous day.
The blue sky and sunlight peering through the evergreen trees,
The shadows cast by tall buildings and trees,
And the illuminated grass field.

I feel so small, looking up to the sky,
To see everything around.
The brick columns that support the clock tower,
The lamp post that bring light to the sidewalk,
The row of bushes with white flowers,
The no smoking sign coming up to my eye level.

On the ground I see cigarette bugs,
Despite that bright orange sign.
I wonder if they just don’t see the sign,
Or decide to smoke in rebellion
Against the new campus wide policy.
The butts out in the open,
Not even trying to be hidden from sight.
It makes me wonder what other rules
Are broken on this campus.

There is a mixture of old and new,
From the old buildings bordering the quad,
To the one new building, the library,
With a crowd of bobbling heads coming and going.

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