Monday, April 29, 2013

Summer Day-By Katie Hedgepeth

As I sit on the boat with my oar dipped
Into the icy cold blue water, arms
Aching as I try to keep up with the
Team. Making sure to make a drive every
Time I use my oar so that I can be
Efficient with each stroke that I make in
The water.  Ice cold water sprays on me.
My seat moving back and forth as I make
Each and every move with my oar that I
Grasp tightly onto. I wonder when this
Will be over.  Looking out onto the
Shore observing people as anyone
Would if they were bored, repeating the same
Motions over again, ready to get
Off this row boat and get on with the day.
Trying to figure out what I will do
On this day, maybe lay out in the sun
And complete the homework I have to do.
Or perhaps I should go swimming after
Practice with my friends off the rowing team.


Looking out onto the shore I see a
Child counting each petal that she pulls
Off of the flower that she is clenching
Onto with her tiny little pale
Hands. As I repeat each and every move
I can hear the man that plays the trumpet
Which rings in my ear, I can also hear
The dogs barking. So much going on here
As I look onto the shore and notice
Everything around, on this gorgeous day.

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