Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Home is Where the Heart Is- By Heidi Curtis

Home is Where the Heart Is

I drove out to Idaho in winter
to see my family for Christmas break.
14 hours to reflect on my life

Starting in Oregon all I see: Green
Green reminds me of growth and beginnings.
Oregon State has made my world feel Green.

Endless rain reminds me of tears I've cried
for leaving my home, family and friends,
but then a rainbow reminds me of strength.

Getting closer I can feel the air cool.
The air dries and I sniff a brisk cold breath,
It refreshes my senses and fills me.

Though the road is clear, snow is everywhere!
as it dances and plays it reminds me
of the innocence of my childhood.

The people in the big towns and small towns
converse kindly and wave as you go by.

As night falls the  sky begins to glisten
with the moon, the stars and the evergreens.
The snow fights to bring light to the darkness

The air, the night and my heart are still.
I drive in this magic until dawn.

As the sun rises over the Rockies
A whole new winter wonderland is born.
Kids in marshmallow suits come out to play.
In snow; forts, families and fun are made.
My heart shivers with delightful memories.

Then I finally get home: Idaho Falls
I'm driving to their house instinctively.
I pull up, my heart tells me "this is home."


the poem above is an imitation of I Flew into Denver April- by Adrian C. Louis

I flew into Denver April.
Rock salt and sand peppered the asphalt
reflecting myself on a downtown street
where I’d paused on my route to smell lilacs.
The wanton winds chortled wickedly
over remnant snows in gray clumps of doom
and my heart soared gladly at winter’s death
but an hour later I had whiskey breath
at a dead end bar full of Indians.
A Winnebago woman waltzed with me
and told me how handsome I truly was
so I bought her drinks and felt her hips
and somewhere between the grinds
and dips she lifted my wallet and split.

Adrian C. Louis

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