Tuesday, April 23, 2013

His Perfection- By Heidi Curtis

His Perfection

In an imperfect bus sits perfection.
quiet and humble he goes unnoticed
by most except by an imperfect girl.

His stunning eyes catch her attention first,
a blue so light she thinks of a clear sky.
The perfect clear blue skies in the summer.

His dark brown hair contrasts his fair light skin
His strong square jawline shapes his perfect face
while his tender, soft lips kindly smile.
His smile brings the most beautiful lines
to his face, which is only authentic.

The dimple on his chin adds character
broad and strong shoulders for such a young guy.
The imperfect girl falls under his spell.

She got to know him for the next for the next 8 years.
She watched his perfection grow even more
by the way he spoke kindly to strangers
to the way he treated his family,
his perfection shone from within himself.

His intelligence was unmatched by peers,
but he never gloated, he was humble.
His patience surpassed any she's ever seen.
His laugh was absolutely contagious.

Perfection like this cannot be described
by a language and a girl imperfect,
but somehow his perfection fell for me
the imperfect girl that's under his spell.

It's been 5 years and we are still in love
And I am still captivated by him.
When he looks at me, he sees perfection.


the poem above was an imitation of

This Most Perfect Hill

By Lisa Jarnot b. 1967 Lisa Jarnot

On this most perfect hill
with these most perfect dogs
are these most perfect people
and this most perfect fog
In this most perfect fog
that is the middle of the sea
inside the perfect middle of
the things inside that swing
In this most perfect rhyme
that takes up what it sees,
with perfect shelter from the
rain as perfect as can be,
In this most perfect day
at the apex of the sun
runs this most perfect
frog song that is roiling
from the mud
In these most perfect habits
of the waving of the trees,
through this imperfect language
rides a perfect brilliancy.


  1. "Perfection like this cannot be described
    by a language" I feel like this line ironically described a lot about the man you are describing
