Monday, June 10, 2013

The Courtship of the Spider Lover By Erika Beaver

The Courtship of the Spider Lover By Erika Beaver

She crawls through the spaces
of my wooden architecture,

Calm and quiet as she waits
for the crickets to cross her path.

She stays in her home,
A small, cozy, glass box.

She is used to living with us.
We aren't scared of her anymore.

Along the long, long road
of feeling each others fir.

Till all the creepy crawly
chills we've shared.

I scoop her up in my hand
and pet her.

Poem of the Day: The Courtship of the Lizard Lover

Posted:Sun, 09 Jun 2013 00:00:00 -0600
He crawls through the cracks
of my stone foundation,
sly and sleek as
I tempt him with food.
He stays out of habit; I cook
out of love for things that move.
We grow accustomed to each other's
trails and smells, the skins we've shed
along the long, long road
of rubbing each other smooth.
Till all the skins we've shed lie sparkling
like so many stones in this desert land.
I scoop him up in my hand
and eat him.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

week 6 imitation 2 by liz snader

Oh, good gigantic smile o’ the brown old earth,
      This autumn morning! How he sets his bones
To bask i’ the sun, and thrusts out knees and feet
For the ripple to run over in its mirth;
      Listening the while, where on the heap of stones
The white breast of the sea-lark twitters sweet.

That is the doctrine, simple, ancient, true;
      Such is life’s trial, as old earth smiles and knows.
If you loved only what were worth your love,
Love were clear gain, and wholly well for you:
      Make the low nature better by your throes!
Give earth yourself, go up for gain above!

We Real Lame. By Erika Beaver (imitation)

We Real Lame. By Erika Beaver

We real lame. We
like game. We
Study hard. We
Drink lard. We

Wear glasses. We
Eat molasses. We

Don't care. We
Style hair.

Posted:Fri, 07 Jun 2013 00:00:00 -0600
            We real cool. We   
            Left school. We

            Lurk late. We
            Strike straight. We

            Sing sin. We   
            Thin gin. We

            Jazz June. We   
            Die soon.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Human Race by Connor Kaplan

Human Race by Connor Kaplan
I do mind the human race.
I might have gotten use to them
but they cause so much pain.
In the past couple thousand years they have grown so much.
From just a simple ape to the worlds super predator.
They have learned to control the elements.
They have learned to turn the most basic thing
into a destructive force.
They have changed other species to help them in their conquest.
They take what they want and choose to destroy to build,
And they won’t  stop until nothing is left.

Poem of the Day: Discrimination

Posted:Sat, 01 Jun 2013 00:00:00 -0600
I don't mind the human race.   
I've got pretty used to them   
In these past twenty-five years.   
I don't mind if they sit next   
To me on streetcars, or eat   
In the same restaurants, if   
It's not at the same table.   
However, I don't approve   
Of a woman I respect
Dancing with one of them. I've   
Tried asking them to my home   
Without success. I shouldn't   
Care to see my own sister   
Marry one. Even if she
Loved him, think of the children.   
Their art is interesting,   
But certainly barbarous.   
I'm sure, if given a chance,   
They'd kill us all in our beds.   
And you must admit, they smell.

We are so cool by Connor Kaplan

We are So Cool by Connor Kaplan
We are so cool. We
pee in pools. We

kick crates. We
go on dates. We

like to grin. We
pull the pin. We

chase the coon. We
fly to the moon.


Poem of the Day: We Real Cool

Posted:Fri, 07 Jun 2013 00:00:00 -0600
            We real cool. We   
            Left school. We

            Lurk late. We
            Strike straight. We

            Sing sin. We   
            Thin gin. We

            Jazz June. We   
            Die soon.

A book made of... by Abhishek Raol

A book is made out of stories
stories that are made out of words

words that are built by characters
characters that are constructed by lines

lines that imprinted from pencil lead
lead composed of graphite

graphite held together by millions of carbon atoms
carbon atoms formed by

electrons orbiting a nucleus 
electrons made of quartz

quartz of milk that power my brain
to move the carbon and lead onto my paper

and write the lines for the characters
for the words for the stories for my book

My book was fed milk

A poem that came to this by Abhishek Raol

No this poem might not reach the eyes of any
or maybe the eyes of many
To post or not to post I do not know

But this poem is a poem
of simple thoughts by great minds
the collaboration of eras and worlds

What comes around goes around
and around and around
like a broken carousel
whose drunk operator passed out
tired and intoxicated from the laughter
of children and baby
Who will never wake up to let the kids off

An object in motion shall remain in motion
until stopped by another force
the force of a bus stopping you
on your way to physics
hurrying as you're late
the best lessons come from experience

Simple thoughts by great minds


Mendota, Illinois
It's easy to believe you can go back
Whenever you desire, jump in the car
And drive, arrive at dusk—the hour

You recall most vividly—and walk
Among the buildings spread across the farm,
Out toward the pastures, woods, and fields.

There is music in the leaves, in the dense
Columns of green corn. The wind lays down
The tune. You can play it, too, simply

By walking with eyes closed, arms
Stretched out, lightly striking the stalks.
Who wouldn't desire, like the children

Lost in so many similar fields,
To sit down on the turned earth and drift
Away on the rhythms of his own

First possible death? Rescuing
Voices come closer, veer off. Flashlight beams
Strobe over your head. You do not care.

Each building you remember—hen house,
Sheep shed, corn crib, barn—caved in upon itself,
The walls and roofs collapsing with a final

Percussive clap, since you last walked those fields.
No one you will ever know works that land now.
It is as green as Eden. Life rises in the roots, in the leaves.
Share this text ...?
Source: Poetry (September 1998).

Scrap paper (imitation) by Abhishek Raol

You find a small piece of paper
torn off the page of a book
like a sail ripped off and pit out by a shark

the shark that ate your homework
and spit out it's dinner on your paper
which then got washed away by the tides

of your anxiety and dis-focus
you have nothing left but an
empty piece of paper

and not much time to finish

Empty thoughts

empty thoughts stuck in my head
wishing waiting stuck in bed
cant get up, no not yet
pray a little harder
go a little farther
like a storm in my presence
taking away the essence
bringing back the day
i looked your way
in the light so bright
especially in the night
your light shined so bright
in my empty thoughts
you run wild
every path in my mind you control
i hear your voice
in the distance
or are those just my empty thoughts 

A poem that begins (imitation) Abhishek Raol

A poem that begins by Abhishek Raol

I don't love you as if you were a rose of salt topaz,
I love you as if you were the salt on my eggs,
I love you because you make my life tasty,

Yet you clog my arteries and ruin my heart
you'll kill me early and end my life
yet everytime I sit down with an egg I reach for the salt

I eat you because you're there
I eat you because you make me happy for

the second and a half you're in my mouth
I think I'll buy some rock salt, or brown salt
or replace you with sugar or even sand

SO the next time I sit down with my eggs
I'll have a mouthful of beach and it'll be like I'm at the beach
rolling in the warm sand, the salty sand

that I put on my eggs sunny side up
Like the universal sun

October is Like by Abhishek Raol

October is like by Abhishek Raol

If October is like thick and heavy pumpkin juice
Then May is like vibrant fizzy grape soda
I don't like pumpkins unless they
are artificial and flavored with grape candy
I'd prefer the cool refreshment of
a plump juicy grape

Earlier today It was a runner followed by a car
Followed by this biker
all of whom race past
feeling the thrill of
the world flying past as they race down
the rocky grey road
I've never seen what's around the turn
I've only gotten a glimpse as autumn comes
around and I peek through the leafless twigs
and branches of my friends
I love when the wind comes, hoping
that it will pull me out of my roots
and take me flying down the road

that lucky stone luckily placed on the
partition of the fat green collosal trees
the body under almost tanning a little
from the magnificent rays of the sun
He never saw much of it in his time in the world
always tucked away in some corner of a tall
cement tower
typing away furiously upon his keyboard
his only pet and best friend his mouse
looking at his desktop screen
some image of a sunny place where
the trees separated to lighten up some
piece of rock
well he has the rest of forever to
feel some warmth against that piece
of cold hard stone

I do not fear you(imitation) by Abhishek Raol

Our greatest fear imitation
by Abhishek Raol
What a clown, stop looking at me
your blue eyes better mind their own business buddy
brown hair, big head, blond scruff
Yes my friend Levi, I mean you

I don't care that you wear shirts
without sleves, of flex your fat arms
Or look at me like you want to kill me
I will kill you with the courage

Of a jeep running over a lion
In the middle of a pack
right in front of the Lion king
I do not fear you

"Our Greatest Fear"

Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate,
but that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.
It is not just in some; it is in everyone.

And, as we let our own light shine, we consciously give
other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.
 Author: Marianne Williamson

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Seasons. By Erika Beaver

The Seasons. By Erika Beaver

I look to my left and see a girl
Not just any girl, but one that
Reminds me of winter. Her
Emotions are cold, like ice.
And she is sitting on the stairs
With her legs tucked in to her
Chest, as if she’s cold. But, I
Don’t think she’s cold. I think
She is upset, like winter often
Can be. She looks to the ground,
Head shaking like your body
Does when its cold outside.
I’m beginning to feel a little
Chilly myself, so I look in front
Of me and see a man. Not just
An ordinary man. But one that
Reminds me of spring. He is happy
And appears to be full of energy
And his shirt is the color of pink.
He’s got two dogs, those are his
Precious flowers, full of life like
Flowers are in the spring time.
He’s gone now, like spring
Comes and goes, but there is always
Another season, something new
Something exciting. So I look
To my right and see a pack
Of zombies. What a silly thing
To dress up as. This reminds me
Of playing games, games like
Soccer, and Frisbee. Those are
Games you play in the summer.
Summer is warm and welcoming.
People are in good moods in the
Summer, unlike those zombies
Over there, they belong in a much
Gloomier season, such as fall.
Fall is where Halloween lives.
Where the ghosts and goblins reside.
Where people on Halloween night
Sneak up behind you and scare you,
Which is why I turn around and
I see nothing. Nothing at all.
Like all those seasons we just
Went through, mean nothing.
Like they didn’t even happen.
They just come and go, and
They are seen, and then forgotten.
Seasons are ever changing, just
Like everything else in the world.

Nothing stays the same. 

What’s in a Month? By ERIKA BEAVER

What’s in a Month?

If October is like a bag of tricks,
Then May must be like a bag of treats.
If in October there is celebration of death
Then in May there must be celebration of life
These months are very different in the eyes of a child.

Earlier today I was on a long five mile walk
To school to be taught many wonderful
Things, a man on a bike passed me, he looked
Peaceful. Like he was taking in the morning
Sun, we’ve all waited so long to see.

And this too, reminds me of the happiness
And brilliance the sunshine brings.
On a warm day in May, as we lay on the beach.
Soaking in the warmth of the sun, as it wraps
Its long comforting rays around our bodies.

Once in a dream, I was on a beach,
But then all of a sudden, surrounded by water,
The air, slowly escaping my lungs,
If only I could move I could reach the surface.
But I was frozen, like a statue. Lifeless, like October.

I never thought life could be so full errands
Some months are busier than others.
Whether its birthday party shopping in May
Or Halloween party shopping in October
There is always shopping to be done.

The worst thing you ever said to me was,
Its going to rain again tomorrow.
What a typical day in October.
Always raining, making people anti-social
Walking around with their heads down.

Listen, can you hear it?
Is it the hackling and cackling
Of jack-o-lanterns and ghosts?
Or is it the laughter and joy
Of children playing?

Once in October, I was at a Halloween party
With games, and apple bobbing. Pumpkin carving,
Hay riding and cake walking.
And of course a bon fire to keep us warm.
And to light the cold, dark night.

But this is not October, it is May.
This month is full of birthday parties
With piƱatas, and slip n’ slides.
It is warm and bright and green outside
Not cold and dark like October.


The Grass

A child asks, what is the grass?
I tell the child, grass is many things.

It is a blanket to protect those beneath it
And a bed for those on top to lie on.

The playground of crawly critters that creep,
And a place for unwanted gum wrappers to hide.

A secret passage way for migration,
Where poppies and daffodils sprout.

An easy place to play catch,
Or make a daisy chain.

Or be a soft hill to roll down.
Down down like alice in wonderland.

Another life lives in the leaves and weeds.
Plants of death, stealing and spreading.

Yet grass survives, even thrives.
That crazy rabbit finds comfort in

The deep dark hole beneath the grass
It is his home where he keeps his treasures

It is where he finds the time to think
About life, and other things.

The grass is eaten by the gazelle, and yet,
The gazelle will die and become the grass.

Such is the circle of life
That we so often talk about.

The circle that brings all life together.
Like the six degrees of separation or whatever…

Good Night Kiss By ERIKA BEAVER

Good Night Kiss

Mountain tops reaching towards the blue sky
Are covered in native green vegetation.

The silver clouds decorate the scene
With their mysterious shapes and sizes

The dreaming girl, is sleeping peacefully
In the deep blue ocean’s warm, soft embrace.
Grasping her book tightly, in her small hand,
Her blond locks look like whispers in the wind.

The sand welcomes her head, and keeps her safe.
The waves do not disturb her, like she is in a cave

Dolphins are dancing along the smooth shore line,
Splashing happily under the setting sun.

Each wave curls effortlessly, onto the shore
They’ve each traveled a long journey to get there

A small island pokes out into the air,
Trying to escape the depths of the water.

The sun’s rays reach down towards the horizon

As if to give the earth a good night kiss.