Monday, April 22, 2013

Coral Statues by Connor Kaplan

Photo: An underwater sculpture park in Grenada 
Photograph by Jason deCaires Taylor
Coral Statues by Connor Kaplan
ten to thirty feet underwater lies
a town staring into the blue distance.
Mimicking people living on the shore.
Created from cement, sand and coral.
A group is holding hands in a circle.

The people await their new friends, coral.
Eventually becoming a playground
for the vibrant life we do not see yet.
For future generations will thank
the town folk for their sacrifice, their gift .

Art, science, politics, friendship are shown.
The blues clashing with brown heart of stone.
The small piece of coral hangs from the eye
yet it does not know, the coral can’t think.
The life we preserve can’t thank us, it won’t.

What does the man see? Does he see ocean?
Can he feel the current pressing against
his hand being held by the women right.
Do the sing and dance? What would it be for?
Does he drown for eternity or swim?

The man is not mad but happy, yet the
coral has found a place to put its roots
covering his eyes and mouth like a mask.
The warm water flowing through his fingers
cleansing him of many impurities.

Soon a garden of Eden will be born.
A rainbow forever swimming throughout.
Divers amazed at the people standing
underneath the calm waters of sea.
Staring off into the great blue ocean.

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