Sunday, April 21, 2013

All of Me by Dan-Vy Nguyen

All of Me by Dan-Vy Nguyen

I came into the house,
The hard tile floor under my feet.
My new roommate already snatched
Away by her friends,
Left me alone to fend for myself.
This is my first party.
This is my first beer,
Leaving a bitter taste on my lips.

An hour later,
I didn't know what happened.
I'm walking up the stairs,
Holding onto the railing,
Trying not to fall.
My vision fading in and out.
What is happening to me?

I know something's not right
As I lie on the bed.
I feel his weight on me.
I feel his hands all over me.
I want to scream,
But no sound comes out.
I want to fight,
But I cannot move.
Somewhere between
The beer and the morning,
He took all of me and split.

I Flew into Denver April by Adrian C. Louis

I flew into Denver April.
Rock salt and sand peppered the asphalt
reflecting myself on a downtown street
where I’d paused on my route to smell lilacs.
The wanton winds chortled wickedly
over remnant snows in gray clumps of doom
and my heart soared gladly at winter’s death
but an hour later I had whiskey breath
at a dead end bar full of Indians.
A Winnebago woman waltzed with me
and told me how handsome I truly was
so I bought her drinks and felt her hips
and somewhere between the grinds
and dips she lifted my wallet and split.

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