Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Walk together (Painting) by Kody Cayson

The days are getting shorter, leaves falling,
A couple walks hand in arm unaware.
The ground is colored with the reflection
Of vibrant colors melting from the trees.
They’re oblivious to the changing scene.
The conversation is too intriguing,
Young lovers lost in time, naïve and dumb.

The walk is not long enough they will find.
Warmth coming in from the left will be lost,
Replaced by the frigid cold on the right.
Trees in full bloom lose their luster with time,
Once trees lined both sides in unison.

As the couple walks together, lights blur,
The two are no longer walking as one.
The man carries the umbrella waiting,
The woman admires the beauty left,
The man anticipates of the storm right.

Perspectives different by only a Glance.
She sees the best, while he sees the worst.
He is dressed for the cold, she for warmth.
They walk on sides uncomfortable to both.

She matches the right and he matches left.
The opposite views keeps them both grounded.
Stubborn to their beliefs when both are right. 

Differences distance the two people,
The colors blend together like the two
Trees in the front, indistinguishable.
Hopefully the two can once again walk
Hand in arm, naive and dumb together.

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