Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Holding a Unicorn by Melissa Campana

Holding a Unicorn

A citrus-sprayed tin foil fire on her band
Smoke rising from her perfectly pale line.
With water leaking from her olive eye,
Perhaps to accent her olive torso,
Where her ruby hangs from tiny gold threads
Like those that gently curl out from her head.

Velvet taped across her porcelain trunk.
The seams are noticeable, where her dress
Connects to her chest and her sloped shoulders.
Lines are trenches-shadows of the unknown,
And bulges of white reach out from her arms
To meet the pear-shaped pearl in her center.

Small difference in tone, perhaps a gray shade
Where her companion sits, wailing parades
Hooves each their own, yet intertwined fingers
Sword protruding then just left to linger
So close to the loop yet not close enough
Perhaps set to spear the knot in her chest.

Standing so tall in this distant era
Certainly no power lines nor windmills
Set far past the dunes in this emerald land.
Even farther behind the mystery,
Tallest in the world, lower than her chin
The gray streaked across, connecting pillars.

The sun falling, just in reach of the sill
Soaking in to whatever will take it.
Other light illuminating her face
The patterns of light are not aligning
For dark are the faces of what’s behind,
Whispering and wondering why she cries.

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