Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Cycles By Blin Dixon

Waves of wind have distorted the meadow…                   
 trees like a television screen gone bad
 from time and well misuse. A fire blown through
 with vast violence, administering coal
to the misbehaved trees, dying the ground
red. the fire hath past, the once billowing
smoke, saturated the sky with grey thoughts
of worry discomfort and loss. life brews
behind the scenes and trees, slowly toiling,
devising, trying to quill  the silence.

Burning, seeding, sprouting, rooting growing,
playing, laughing, learning, reaching… growing,
planning a revenge for their lost parents.
Lacked in numbers, ever strong by size
the young trees face the inferno again.
Administering coal to the forest
staining the ground a lasting red with sap.

Birches burn fast and never fall to slow.
They come tumbling down to choke the fire,
extinguishing it amid the trees leaves.

Standing tall, victory is eminent.
What was once taller than the birch forest
 and as innocent as the devil, fire
 lay wasted among its fallen victims.
A celebration of the new foliage
proceeds the victory but comes to soon...
lightning strikes, the devil resurrected.
The inferno gives waste to the meadow.
The cycle, never to have a victor.

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