Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Apparatus Mortis(a sci-fi story) By Connor Kaplan(Ekphrastic poem #2)
Apparatus Mortis By Connor Kaplan

The story of Apparatus Mortis
begins with a man. A man who is in love.
The man who is in love gets the girl,
and lives happily ever after, but
this story does not have a happy end.

One day the sky turned black, and the ground red.
War had began, like locust swarms eating
everything in sight. Soon nothing was left.
The man had lost his love, his home, his life.
So he agreed to fight back. For revenge.

Experiments began for a stronger man.
For his “love” he would say were his reasons.
They had succeeded and the man also.
A super soldier was their “perfect” plan.
But they would soon regret this decision.

 Is it a man or machine? Maybe cyborg.
The mask lets the pain go fully away.
Created with wires, guns, and a scythe.
Created with hatred and jealousy.
Apparatus Mortis-Machine of Death.

Having done his job and his one purpose
the man turned on his creators with blood.
Soon only puddles of crimson were left.
So the man with nothing left to thrust his
anger at went to sleep forever.

Apparatus Mortis hides in plain site.
A machine is made without cogs and nails.
Sleeping on a bed of fleshy wires.
Fueled by the blood of its creator
Waiting to be reawakened again.

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