Thursday, May 9, 2013

Thursday Nights
by: JoJo Ball

it's thursday night you know what that means! time
to go to the gym and play volleyball.
it's what my family does, like we were
programmed to play like a calculator
is programmed to do difficult math. My
dad, my sister and I always get to
play together. we match each other perfectly.
on the court we communicate so well
we don't even have to speak. but we do
anyways The game is fun but after
is the best part of the whole night. we go
to the pool area and rotate from
the sauna, to the steam room, to the hot
tub feeling relaxed in each one separately.
we talk about everything and nothing,
things that matter and things that couldn't be
more irrelevant. things from our favorite
colors, our favorite numbers, our favorite
foods, to whether we think there's a universe
or a multi-verse, time travel, or what
happens after you die. I love how i
can talk to my family about
anything, how i can tell them every
thing, and how they know everything about
me and I know everything about them.
I know that no matter what happens they
will always be there for me and i will
always be there for them, so thursdays are
the best nights ever, thursdays are our
family nights. And then we go out to eat 

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