Tuesday, May 21, 2013

O, Best of All Nights... Imitation by Jeannette Beebout

Jeannette Beebout
“O Best of All Nights, Return and Return Again” Imitation

She wore her hair down, went past her shoulder
bones. It didn’t last long, though, because the
sweat made each strand stick to her nape.
Deodorant sticks can not only be found in the
bathroom beneath the sink, but in the locker at
they gym, in her car, and in her bag as well. It
was just too. damn. hot. She always wears
a baggy tee shirt cause the lack of bra-contained
breasts, well, they get hidden best behind screen
tees. Not to mention, covered the extra pounds
that came around each summer time from beers
and mint chocolate chip ice cream. My favorite.
She won’t wear bottoms that fall below her knee.
It’s a positive and negative thing, because her
thighs get sticky and stuck to everything. Chairs,
couches, and the ground. The bottom of her
feet were colored brown on tops from the sun,
and the bottom from dirt and grime. This heaven
sent girl can be found around a bonfire, sparks flying,
pallets popping and friendships being made. She also
adores being at the lake with buddies. But she’s is
long gone now, burdened with responsibilities and
sleepy eyes. Bring back those nights. Oh! Great and
best of all nights, return and return again.

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