Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Wishes By: Mylinh Nguyen

By: Mylinh Nguyen

I never intended to wake up-
this feels like dreaming on clouds,
I’ve blown so many eyelashes from
the tips of my fingers.
I imagine them collected somewhere,
little wishes for you piled into cosmic dust.
I never intended to find myself happiest
when i wake up next to you, 
thinking this mustn't be real, it can’t be,
I wasn't supposed to find this yet.
My internal clock is stuck at 11:11, 
the eleventh hour is the only hour i want
to be in, atop broken springs and 
wrinkled sheets.
It’s almost as if my superstitious tendencies
were right all along,
I stumbled into a field of clovers, on a 
cloudy day, just as it begins to rain.
You can kiss the raindrops from the corners
of my lips, brush them from my face like
tears, match your hand in mine and breathe.
I never intended to find you here, 
of all places,
it’s almost like you have been wishing on
shooting stars and blowing on eyelashes 
just as I have for so long.
I never intended you. 
I never intended this.
but i intend to keep letting my wishes collect,
not just for me, but for us.


Poem of the Day: Young Love

Come, little infant, love me now,
   While thine unsuspected years
Clear thine agèd father’s brow
   From cold jealousy and fears.

Pretty, surely, ’twere to see
   By young love old time beguiled,
While our sportings are as free
   As the nurse’s with the child.

Common beauties stay fifteen;
   Such as yours should swifter move,
Whose fair blossoms are too green
   Yet for lust, but not for love.

Love as much the snowy lamb,
   Or the wanton kid, does prize,
As the lusty bull or ram,
   For his morning sacrifice.

Now then love me: time may take
   Thee before thy time away:
Of this need we’ll virtue make,
   And learn love before we may.

So we win of doubtful fate;
   And if good she to us meant,
We that good shall antedate,
   Or, if ill, that ill prevent.

Thus as kingdoms, frustrating
   Other titles to their crown,
In the cradle crown their king,
   So all foreign claims to drown,

So, to make all rivals vain,
   Now I crown thee with my love:
Crown me with thy love again,
   And we both shall monarchs prove.

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