Sunday, May 26, 2013

Seeing you with a glimpse. By: Mylinh Nguyen

Seeing you with a glimpse.
By: Mylinh Nguyen
As you sit cluelessly inside that room
I just couldn't help but to notice your bloom
My eyes create a string that winds to you
Looking at you makes my heart ponder, it's true

My head keeps on turning, titling at times
Wishing you'd look back, it isn't a crime
We haven't spoken a word or two
Speech isn't needed, just looking would do

Sometimes I do a form a curve on my lips
For your eyes do travel to the universe in trips
Like the stars they twinkle and give off light
You illumine my world and give it life

When you laugh I hide the glee within me
When you smile your beauty shows more freely
Your hair falls on your face joined with such grace
And your magic blue eyes can stop a race

Yet all of these things are views from afar
I hope that one day we'll talk and go far
I'll man up myself and not be a wimp

And someday I'll stop catching you by glimpse.

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