Friday, May 24, 2013


102912 by 7792

Every step I take away from you
is like walking on planes of broken glass.
The end was inevitable but I feel remorse.

For years were spent contemplating,
But fearful of emptiness and solitude. 
And on the morning after
An affinity’s apocalypse.
The decision made itself.
An evening consisting of
Wandering aimlessly
In brand new streets,
Cold shudders
In fall air,
An attempt of warmth
With a brush-off of annoyance,
Resulted in
Striking indifference into gold.
Gold turning to rust.
And a void you used to fill surmounting.

And now I see the ghost of you
And what used to be
Every where I go

In pillows,
In bicycles,
In blankets,
In champagne
In gold.

And all that’s left is the broken promise of an eternity
And long walks on planes of broken glass. 

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