Thursday, May 30, 2013

Oregon is the best state by Kody Cayson

Another rainy day in Oregon.
It is a good thing I like the rain so much.
The sound against the window,
Trickling down the gutter.
The smell in the air, a fresh dampness,
Everything glistening in the sun that shines.
Because we know it might rain at noon,
But by two it’s sunny.
This is another thing I like, the unpredictability.
Predicting the weather is like playing the lottery here.
Mountains, deserts, rivers, and lakes.
An outdoorsman’s dream.
Starting to appreciate all the state has
and keeps secret from others.
The people are nice, if you’re from the east you know what I mean.
Born and raised here, hopefully mine will be too.
Green forest lined with green grass.
Lets keep it this way.
I live where the trail ended, the original state capital.
A historic town trying to preserve its history.

No where else I would rather be.

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