Thursday, May 9, 2013

Blind Turns by Joey Ng (Prompt poem)

Blind Turns by Joey Ng (Prompt poem)
If October is rich bouquets of bronze
And gentle glow of carpeted boughs,
Then May is no less in comparison,
Igniting mother and spirit alike.

Earlier today I strolled down country
Roads, the new tarmac barely tread upon,
With sharp yellow lines and checks of white.

In steep turn the light green saplings and shrubs
Blend into towering emerald hues.
The unexpected is not so grave
With no expectation of your own

As I had once seen in a dream, through waves
Of desire and anxiety,
What is left from generations past stand
Stark against the glare of ambition.

Escaping our lips in pockets of
Air through the deep blue consciousness of sleep,
Through our leaden lips these moments stream
Unabated, casting our anchors deep.

I never thought life could be a showcase
Of yearning and pride scrapped together.
Listen to me now and never, for life
Is but what you define it to be.

Believe me, what happened next will enthrall
If not repulse you, as it is laid bare,
Where three white plains meet in pale concordance.
The worst thing you ever said to me is
That I don’t even have to try.

These days I brace myself against a clasp,
Strained in perpetual motionlessness,
Against and in tow of fate and folly.
Once in October I made the mistake
Of looking through resin stained glass,
But today I shed my sterile stitches. 

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