Monday, May 13, 2013

The People of the Starfish by Peter Gidlund

The People of the Starfish
By Peter Gidlund
The People of the Starfish had many
accomplishments, and made sure to announce
their triumphs in the star shaped plaza in Starfish Forum.

“We, The People of the Starfish, have made
incredible strides: we have cured many
diseases, our kin are all literate
in Starfishian, and we are the
World Champions in Starfishball. 
Clearly, The People of the Starfish are
supreme, and we give all the glory to The Starfish.”

The Starfish lay on its ornate throne. 
“The Starfish is most displeased! 
We must work harder! 
We must strive for more! 
Our efforts must be doubled!
We must purge ourselves of the irreverent!”

The People of the Starfish conquered many nations. 
The Alliance for the Rhino had fallen long ago. 
The Kingdom of the House Cat had been enslaved. 
The Court of the Owl had been massacred. 
The Plate of the Pancakes had been swallowed.
All that opposed The People of the Starfish
was the meek Coalition of the Meerkat.

As the troops assembled, tanks shone in the sun,
and Destroyers stood idle, a figure came stumbling out of the forest.
“Stop, stop, stop!  You must not follow through with your plan!
I have had a vision!  The Starfish knows!”
Barry the Bear had caught the attention of the mighty legion.

“In my dream, I was in the stream,
looking for some food.
I snagged a trout, plopped it under my snout,
And I was a rather content dude.
On my way to my cave, I spotted the red tailed knave,
Knox the Fox had taken my Thelonious Monk cassette.
I loved those songs, I loved to sing along,
And I was cross until Knox the Fox was dead.

I followed that crook, past his nook,
As he scampered to the Pita Pit.
I wanted justice and he wanted hummus,
I wrung his neck and he squirmed a bit,
and no one ever touched my jazz collection again.
Knox the Fox was put into a box, buried 'neath a mound o' rocks,
so this is where the parable must end.”

Barry the Bear displayed a pleased visage.
The Star in the sky couldn't compare to the star in his eye.
“What was that?  That had nothing to do with
The Starfish, or The Meerkat, or our invasion!”
Barry the Bear crumpled his brow,
And explained with a quite fierce growl,
“I said I had a vision, I didn’t say it applied.
Not everything revolves around you, you know!”

The battalion seized and arrested Barry the Bear
And 50 years later he croaked in the electric chair.
The People of the Starfish quickly
demolished the Coalition of the Meerkat.
The Starfish lay on its ornate throne.

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