Sunday, May 5, 2013

Partner Poem by Connor Kaplan and Katie Hedgepeth

A child asks, what is the grass?
So i ask to the child what is life?
Is it a random lucky combination of stuff?
Or a predesignated plan by a higher power?
As I apologize to the child.
She asks me if she is allowed to eat an apple
Sitting on the ground as we see children dancing
and singing nursery rhymes like snakes slithering.
Soon the child asks another question.
The child asks, what is destiny?
The child, lost, confused while
thoughts crowd her head.
The confused and concerned look on her face.
Concentrated I answer her question.
Centered through time and space is something.
This something must have been planned.
Like everything else, everything is chosen beforehand.
And the child, content, eats her apple and goes on with her day, happy.

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