Sunday, May 5, 2013

imitation week5 lauren kahle

How she let her long hair down over her shoulders, making a love cave around her face. Return and return again.
How when the lamplight was lowered she pressed against him, twining her fingers in his. Return and return again.
How their legs swam together like dolphins and their toes played like little tunnies. Return and return again.
How she sat beside him cross-legged, telling him stories of her childhood. Return and return again.
How she closed her eyes when his were open, how they breathed together, breathing each other. Return and return again.
How they fell into slumber, their bodies curled together like two spoons. Return and return again.
How they went together to Otherwhere, the fairest land they had ever seen. Return and return again.
O best of all nights, return and return again.

How she let her long hair down over her
Shoulders, making a love cave around her
Bubbly face, return and return again.
How she pressed against him, stroking his hair,
As he lovingly stared into her eyes
Return and Return again. Laughing and
Telling jokes of their past and playing games
How their bodies fit snugly like pillows
Softly forming around a tired face
Return and return again. Until the
Sun started to hide, and the sky turned pink
How his hair fell in his face as he looked
Up at her, return and return again.
How they watched their favorite tv shows
Until they drifted off, wrapped up on the
Big, soft couch, return and return again.
How they fell into slumber, their bodies

curled together like two spoons. Return and

return again. How they loved each other,

And how their eyes locked when they crossed paths
As a door locks and no key is to be found
Return and return again. And if she
Needed help, he was there to assist her
In anything she needed, and her him
How they worked together, like partners
And how they acted like best friends; they were
Return and return again. How their days
Shone together, brightening up the Earth
Shedding light with every glance and smile
And how her dreams were intertwined with his
They were as one, they acted as a whole
Return and return again.

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