Tuesday, May 21, 2013

I Flew into Denver April

Jeannette Beebout
“I Flew into Denver April” Imitation
In April I was feeling scandalous.
It was not a new thing for me.
But this time, it was more than usual.
I needed some inspiration and to see
some green. Research says it gets
the juices flowing. Is it the symbolic
growth of all things green? Or maybe
there is no real answer, like why
the sky is blue, sun hot, or I scandalous?
Green… Like how a tiny seed can start so
defenseless, but grow, and age, and grasp
what it means to be wise. Wisdom
once flowed through my heart like the
leaves flow through the wind, rustling,
speaking to you. If I were once wise,
how could I be so stupid?
I thought I’d find a good amount of
green here, but the Mile High City
had nothing in store for me except
rock- salted roads and Eskimo women.
I’d find my inspiration elsewhere, in a
bar perhaps? I can predict how that will
end up. Whiskey breath and “I love you
baby.” Not like the way my wife used to say
it, but more of an enticing, vindictive, and almost
blackmailing way. I’d pay her after the grinds
and she’d be out of my life.
I am not wise, because I fill my life with
doom and forecast it upon other’s like
remnant snows of winter’s death. I
would soon be out forty dollars, a clueless
wife back in Michigan. I think I won’t go.

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