Sunday, May 19, 2013

I Dreamed That I Was Young By Amber Rose

I dreamed that I was young: carefree and restless
Playing in the fields chasing butterflies
Hands splintered from tree climbing
My mother upset I dirtied another outfit
Racing bikes with my neighbors
Our imaginations had no limits
Scurrying around the neighborhood till sunset
Then doing it all again the next day
So easily pleased
So optimistic

Boys still had cooties
Hearts couldn't break
Strangers became your best friend
Friends never lied to you
No responsibilities, no disappointment, no judgment
Mom could fix all your wounds with a kiss
And Dad chased the monsters out of the closet
Living in the moment time didn't matter
Death wasn't a word we knew
Goodbyes were just see you laters

Cold sweats wake me from my dream
Blinking back to my harsh reality
The wrinkles on my hands show my time is nearing
Memories become blurry
Familiar faces never to be seen again
Words you wish you never said
People you should have seen more
Places you should of went
Reflecting back now so many regrets
Not of what I had done, but what I hadn't


Poem of the Day: I Dreamed That I Was Old

I dreamed that I was old: in stale declension   
Fallen from my prime, when company
Was mine, cat-nimbleness, and green invention,   
Before time took my leafy hours away.

My wisdom, ripe with body’s ruin, found   
Itself tart recompense for what was lost
In false exchange: since wisdom in the ground   
Has no apocalypse or pentecost.

I wept for my youth, sweet passionate young thought,
And cozy women dead that by my side   
Once lay: I wept with bitter longing, not   

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