Monday, May 6, 2013

Everyday Quest- By Hauoli Kahaleuahi

Today I search for it again although
Yesterday I found it, felt it, held it
In palms sweaty, a result of his words
Spoken in truth, a love poem of the
Soul given to me, and it was then that
I discovered, learned, was taught by his heart.

The day before I heard it, my Father
Told me. A man with a heart heavy gif-
ted his daughter with what her spirit seeks.
Father presented it, through knowledge of
My past, our lineage and stories
Of another, a lost one we mourn for.

A week now gone was when I last spoke to
Her, an encouraging woman miles
Away, living alone today, resi-
ding by the sea in a shack I call home.
A foundation, my model of hard work,
Mother she is, and she gave me it, what
I look for today, low and high, here, there.

I am hinted of where to peak for it,
Not a challenging guess, not hard to think
Of, to wonder. In eyes it remains still,
Prominent, sure, and bouncing from lips it
Leaps. You can see now, people hold it, tight.
My Father, Mother, beloved Lover.

What is IT? What is the fuel of life?
Of my life? Some think love, others passion,
Maybe affection, and yes these all too,
But their base? That is the it, and that is
Happiness, to be happy is to live.


Yesterday I wanted to
speak of it, that sense above   
the others to me
important because all

that I know derives
from what it teaches me.   
Today, what is it that   
is finally so helpless,

different, despairs of its own   
statement, wants to
turn away, endlessly
to turn away.

If the moon did not ...
no, if you did not
I wouldn’t either, but   
what would I not

do, what prevention, what   
thing so quickly stopped.   
That is love yesterday   
or tomorrow, not

now. Can I eat
what you give me. I
have not earned it. Must   
I think of everything

as earned. Now love also   
becomes a reward so
remote from me I have
only made it with my mind.

Here is tedium,
despair, a painful
sense of isolation and   
whimsical if pompous

self-regard. But that image   
is only of the mind’s
vague structure, vague to me   
because it is my own.

Love, what do I think
to say. I cannot say it.
What have you become to ask,   
what have I made you into,

companion, good company,   
crossed legs with skirt, or   
soft body under
the bones of the bed.

Nothing says anything   
but that which it wishes   
would come true, fears   
what else might happen in

some other place, some   
other time not this one.   
A voice in my place, an   
echo of that only in yours.

Let me stumble into
not the confession but   
the obsession I begin with   
now. For you

also (also)
some time beyond place, or   
place beyond time, no   
mind left to

say anything at all,
that face gone, now.
Into the company of love   
it all returns.

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