Monday, May 6, 2013

collaboration poem by Sanjana Mahesh

All the new thinking is about loss
the loss of chocolate because of obesity
no more McDonalds every day, every night
slathering on the sunblock because of skin cancer
everybody is being far too careful
we should live our lives on the edge
Don't worry about what people think
be who you are, but remember you are what you eat
so say no to the fries but yes to the milkshake
find the happiness in things that aren't good for you
because what doesn't kill you doesn't always make you
stronger, it is in that tasty milkshake you find
the real answers to life, like what to major in
the answers only appear in the minds of thinkers
not textbooks that cost hundreds, recommended
by eccentric chemistry wizards and calculated by TI-84's
the answers lie in those who go against the crowd
for when you go against the wind is when you find
true direction

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