Thursday, May 9, 2013

X and Y - By Heidi Curtis

X and Y

Part 1
X equals brilliant red, orange, brown crunchy leaves
A layer of frost pinching morning features
Thick dark nights consume the day too early
Monsters and nightmares come alive
X equals October
Y equals blossoms and flowers reaching for the sun
Birthday parties explode
Cool drinks, flip flops and the sweet smell of sunscreen
Y equals May
Earlier today on the 7th of May
I rode my bike to school on a long winding road
Trees on both sides, Y
Orange and black road, X
Ten minutes I road on X examining Y
X+Y= the light and dark aspects of everyday
In October when leaves begin to die and cascade, X,
 While eating bright colored candy, Y.
Napping in a dark room, X,
with soft fleece blankets, Y.
And this too reminds me of a cemetery
 on Memorial day where X and Y meet.
Dark grave stones remind us of the ones we’ve lost, X,
But the blinding sunlight gives us hope of a better place, Y.
Trees and shadows are eerie, X,
But flowers set by headstones, a sweet gesture, Y.
The dead rotting underground, X,
The living honoring them, Y.
Once in a dream I was swimming on a bright summer day
I dove down and saw a statue looking upwards toward the life I just dove from
She stared at it longingly and with awe.
Because of her death new life formed on her:
Coral, enemies, barnacles
A place for fish to live
But I had to come back up for breath
Part 2
I never thought life could be so dualistic
But everything has it’s opposites:
Black and white
Boy and girl
Short and tall
Alone and together
Old and young
Life and death
October and May 
But opposites are on a line
X ß--------à Y
And somewhere they meet to make:
Self love
Middle aged
Believe me what happened next was life.
Be it  ugly, beautiful, small , big or anything inbetween
We each meet between X and Y
The facade of life we want to see as:
Ideal, perfect, loving, beautiful
All of which it can be
But it can never be those things without
The naked, fat troll experiences
We have
We do
We are
Dancing the Cotton-Eyed-Joe in life
One foot and then the other
Never one without the other
The worst thing ever said to me was
“Strive for perfection.”
I think I’d rather dance in my dualistic rhythmic choreography
These days I might try to embrace the falling parts
 of myself that may seem more frail
An use my strength to hold them up
and let the beauty of my weaknesses shine
Because I can’t soar high with just a half
So I must embrace my whole self to be free.
Listen to the things I’ve said and remember:
that life is hell wrapped with flowers
and you are a chocolate covered insect
an sometime you’ll taste the sweet
and other time you will get stung
Once in October I went to our high school rivalry football game
The Emotion Bowl
Tensions were high
The stadium packed
You were defined by orange or blue
Neck and neck the entire game
As the buzzer rang every one held their breath
And watched the ball fly through the air
TOUCHDOWN! Blue WINS at the last second
The stadium was split into
From the same event
But today is not October
It is May
Today I am walking on graves
I am dancing with flowers in my hair
Soaking up the UV rays
And judging other people
I am dark but mostly light today

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