Sunday, May 5, 2013

Words to the Universe by Connor Kaplan

Words to the Universe by Connor Kaplan
An angry man yelled to the sky, “What now!”
Delusional the man heard a reply.
The man not quite understanding what just
happened replied out loud, “repeat again”.
This time the man heard the voice, which replied
“Who dares yell at me, what gives you the right?”
Befuddled the man states that he is king,
saying “I am king and have been put here to rule.”
The sky then laughed and said “Why are you king?”
The king quivering in his boots cries out,
“God gave me the divine right to rule all
of the land from the great ocean to the
hills of the north to the southern dessert.”
The sky said nothing and silence filled the
land and air for days and weeks until the
king could not handle it and yelled back out.
The voice in the sky returned again to
say “who or what is God”, shocking the king.
The king shouted aloud “are you not God?”
The voice replied with one word “No” and then
the King tried to talk but failed.
Each day the King would walk outside his home,
his castle, the center of his world,
and try to talk to the voice he believed
was his god, but it never replied back.

The years past and the King believing the
conversation with God was a sign of
his divine right, expanded his kingdom
even farther than what he was promised.
Eventually the King got old and sick.
The voice returned but not from the sky but
from his dreams and the voice revealed to him
that he was not God but an illusion.

Poem of the Day: A Man Said to the Universe

Posted: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 00:00:00 -0600
A man said to the universe:
“Sir, I exist!"
“However,” replied the universe,
“The fact has not created in me
“A sense of obligation.”

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