Sunday, May 5, 2013

Partner Poema (Loss) by Corynn Bernhardt and Ellysa Pearce

Partner Poem by Corynn Bernhardt and Ellysa Pearce

All the new thinking is about loss.
Loss’s voice is the sound of chimes,
Ringing in your ears:
Hello, it says, I’m here.
I’m ready, it beckons.

I follow but do not allow
The piercing sound to follow me.
The path ahead is dirt and something else.

A river of flowing water.
Unlike loss, gain’s endless virtue
Is like the stream-filled mountains:
Smooth, kind, forgiving.
I can take a step in and remember.

But now I forget the real meaning.
I’m stumped on that one idea
From the voice of chimes.
But I suppose that’s the new thinking
Working at full gear.

Shotguns, riffles bang, and I’m back at war.
Without my love, without my right.
I have no foot. I have no arm.
What shall become of me now?
I am lacking spirit of searching

For another meaning of what I know is thinking
For the one bestowed upon the rings
Are jumbled and split
So nothing is straight at length.

My son is back home,
Children playing in the park, dust on their knees,
Burns on their ears. A new sound echoes from their chests.
This one is not of loss or gain:
Not chimes or like smooth running water.
But of sweet-smelling vibration,
Bouncing off the heart like a drum.

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