Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Spire Fell by Aidyn Smith

They rode with wild reckless need
Unto the valley of the king.
The king of pain, of woe, of grief
And to them, demons made their siege.

For ride they did and fight they would,
For baby, mother and holy God.
And want not any but good,
They rode in sandy camouflage.

“In and out” was all they said
“Your fight will be a blaze.”
And then they shook their somber head
For loomed a fearful haze.

The fighters rode with empty thought
And warriors eyes into the fire.
And though they knew not for what they fought,
They rode onward, onward for the spire.

Then, ho, the hawk fell
And then the world fell silent.
But the brave ones did not falter
To save their brothers from the violent.

“In and out” became a mock
And honor became their blaze.
To save a fallen, silent hawk
Became their only phase.

And save they did the fallen one
With brilliance that inspired.
And courage in front of the gun
Was theirs on the road to the spire.

The hawks were carried by hog and men
To iron walls of the free.
But march alone the brave ones did
For they need not be carried.

And though they saw a deadly sight
And lost countless brothers on the way,
The brave ones fought their honorable fight
And marched like warriors on through fray.

And we shall all remember their true loyalty blaze.
We shall not forget the brave ones grace.
We shall not forget those bloody skies
And we will faithfully remember their face.

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